Boynton Beach Paternity
Every parent, mother and fathers alike, have parental rights regarding their children. Florida state laws dictate these rights, and how such rights can be enforced. To determine a parent’s rights, it may be important to establish the child’s paternity. When a child is born to unmarried parents, his or her paternity should be established in court to determine the rights to which each parent is entitled. I am an experienced family law attorney and can help you through your paternity case. Whether you need to initiate a case or are disputing a paternity claim, contact me today for a free initial consultation.
Boynton Beach Paternity Cases
Whose rights are affected by establishing paternity? The mother’s, the father’s and the child’s rights are all impacted by paternity establishment. When a child is born to parents who are unmarried to each other, the mother is automatically considered the primary legal custodian. This designation means the mother has the right to make legal decisions regarding the child, such as health care decisions, and can live and relocate with the child.
Until his paternity is established, the unmarried father essentially has no rights over the child. This means the father has no say in where the child lives or decisions regarding the child’s health, well-being, and daily life. If the mother is married, her husband is presumed to be the child’s biological father. Of course, if the husband is not the child’s father then the actual biological father can attempt to establish his paternity. Challenging this legal presumption can be a difficult and complicated process, requiring the experience of a practiced family lawyer.
When the mother’s husband is the presumed father, the actual biological father must prove to a judge that it is in the child’s best interests to challenge that presumption. In other words, a judge decides in an evidentiary hearing whether the actual father’s petition for paternity is even allowed to go forward. The judge will consider many factors when making that determination, and the process is quite complex. If you are considering filing a paternity action, consult an experienced Boynton Beach paternity lawyer to discuss your legal options.
A child’s rights are also impacted by a paternity case. Florida law states that every child has the right to financial support from each parent. Once paternity is established, the father is legally obligated to pay child support. In addition to paying child support, a father’s rights to custody and/or visitation are also impacted once paternity is established.
Call a Boynton Beach Paternity Lawyer Today
Establishing paternity or disputing a paternity suit is a complicated process. The courts consider what is in the best interests of the child, and thus each party must try to show that their requests are best for the minor child. A judge will consider many factors when determining how to resolve with these issues. When bringing or challenging a paternity case, be sure to contact an experienced paternity attorney. I have spent 40 years protecting my clients’ rights, and have successfully represented many parents in paternity cases. Call my office now at (954) 229-1660 or complete a contact form online to schedule your free initial consultation.