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Can Prenuptial Agreements Be Challenged Without Any Risk of Paying Attorney’s Fees?
There is a presumption that a prenuptial agreement was entered into freely and voluntarily. Usually each party to the agreement has had the opportunity to be advised by their own attorney, and each party has made a complete and total financial disclosure of their assets and liabilities tio the other party.
Prenuptial agreements usually contain a provision for prevailing party attorney’s fees. This means that if you decide to challenge the validity of a prenuptial agreement that contains a prevailing party attorney’s fee clause, you will be held responsible for those attorney’s fees if your challenge is not successful and the agreement is upheld.
The Supreme Court of Florida resolved this issue in June of 2005 when they decided the case of Lashkajani v. Lashkajani, 911 So.2d 1154 (2005).. The court’s ruling was clear and precise. The court held that prenuptial agreement provisions awarding attorney’s fees and costs to the prevailing party in litigation regarding the validity and enforceability of a prenuptial agreement are enforceable.
The point to be made is is a simple one. Proceed with extreme caution if you are considering a challenge to a prenuptial agreement. The potential cost may well outweigh any benefits you are seeking to achieve by virtue of your challenge.