More and more people, especially in Florida, are opting for the single life. In Florida, there were 7.3 marriages per 1,000 people in the year 2010. Compare this rate to the 17.1 marriages per 1,000 people in the year 1940.. At the same time marriages are declining, the rate of divorce is increasing. In Florida,…
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A modification of child support, or alimony as well, is based upon an unforseen, involuntary, permanent and substantial change in circumstances. Florida statute 61.14 provides the statutory basis for a modification of child support and alimony. If the court, after entertaining a petition for modification of support, either upward or downward, finds that there was…
Continue reading ›Married couples acquire many things together over the course of their marriage, including homes, vacation homes, bank accounts, automobiles, and stock portfolios. They frequently start businesses together as well. What happens to the family business after divorce? How does it get valued, how does it get divided, who gets to continue to run the business…
Continue reading ›Why is a prenuptial agreement important and what purpose does it serve? A prenuptial agreement is a contract between two adults, and it can cover a myriad of issues, limited only by the imagination of the contracting parties. A prenuptial agreement most definitely, and frequently will, alter the rights of the parties should a divorce…
Continue reading ›Support orders in Florida, including child support and most alimony awards, are subject to modification, based upon a change in circumstances. There is a statute on point in Florida which governs the procedure for modifying support orders. See Florida Statute 61.14. The statute is broad, but the essence of the law is to provide for…
Continue reading ›The payment and collection of child support in Florida as well as around the country is not always an easy process. Its surprising to see all the stories in the media today, which deal with individuals in the “public eye” who are not paying their child support. For example, the gold medal champion, Gabby Douglas,…
Continue reading ›Time haring with minor children in Florida is keeping up with technology. As a matter of fact, there is a specific statute in Florida that deals precisely with this issue. Florida Statute 61.13003 is titled as “Court ordered electronic communication between a parent and a child. This type of communication can be ordered by the…
Continue reading ›A person claiming entitlement to any credits or set offs from the marital home must provide for these items in their marital settlement agreement. If there is no agreement, and this issue is to be resolved by the court, the court will consider the factors in Florida Statute 61.077. Among those factors are the following:…
Continue reading ›Child custody issues, or extensive litigation in order to “win” the title of primary custodian should become a thing of the past. All of the reasons to litigate these issues have been abolished under Florida law. Instead, Florida has adopted what is now referred to as time sharing with minor children, which is established under…
Continue reading ›Yes! Facebook is mentioned in at least 33% of all the divorce cases filed in the United States in 2011. This is according to a story aired by ABC News. There is no doubt that social networking and facebook are and will continue to play an integral part of all of our lives now, and…
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