Attorney’s Fees
The way in which your divorce is resolved will have a large impact on your life moving forward. With everything that is at stake, it is important to have a qualified, experienced attorney at your side from the beginning to the end. My name is Alan Robert Burton, Attorney at Law. I have more than 40 years of legal experience in the area of family law.
If your spouse earns substantially more than you do, or has access to assets that you don’t have access to, it is a natural concern that this imbalance will have a negative impact on your divorce.
Pursuant to Florida law, you have the right to petition the court to order your spouse to pay your reasonable attorney’s fees in a dissolution of marriage action, a paternity action, child custody action, child support matter or any other family law proceeding. You can also request an award of attorney’s fees when seeking a modification of an existing order. The entitlement to an award of attorney’s fees is equally applicable if you are either the Petitioner bringing the action, or the Respondent defending the action. The primary consideration for the Court to consider in these situations is the disparity of the income of the parties. Take advantage of this right and contact my firm to discuss your situation.
Palm Beach County Divorce Lawyer Who Can Help You Pursue Attorney’s Fees in your Divorce case as well as in your Paternity Case, including Modifications of any Final Judgments
When deciding whether or not to order the payment of attorney’s fees, the court will look at many factors. The primary factor considered by the Court is the income of the parties, and any substantial disparity in those respective incomes. The financial resources of each party and the marital assets and debts of each party are also considerations. Courts have wide discretion in this area, and can require parties to sell or liquidate assets in order to pay for attorney’s fees. I have requested attorney’s fees numerous times and will work hard to present a compelling argument on your behalf.
Contact Alan Robert Burton, Attorney at Law
Divorce is too important to go through it alone, and without experienced and competent legal counsel. Call or e-mail my office in Boca Raton to schedule your free initial consultation. We can discuss whether or not a judge is likely to grant your request for attorney’s fees. Call my office at (954) 229-1660 or my mobile phone at (954) 295-9222. I am also available to set up a Zoom call for us to speak face to face on short notice if you would like to do so. You may also e-mail me at My office is located in Boca Raton, Palm Beach County, Florida. I maintain flexible office hours to discuss your family law issues.