Boynton Beach Complex Divorce
Thinking about divorce? Do you have high value assets? If so, then you need a seasoned family lawyer with a reputation for winning. For over 40 years, I have dedicated my practice to representing family law clients. With my experience, I understand both the legal process and the emotional and financial upheaval that divorce can cause. In addition to my decades of experience, I also bring a dedicated, individualized approach to each case.
Boynton Beach Attorney Experienced in High-Value, Complex Divorce
Every divorce is different, and each case lives or dies on its specific facts. Some cases are fairly simple, particularly if there are not many assets for the divorcing spouses to quarrel over. However, in cases where high-value assets are at stake, more complications may arise. Business interests, trusts, stocks and bonds, and valuable real property may all add certain complexities to a divorce case.
When a couple divorces, their marital property will be divided between them. Often, the property is not divided equally, but rather subject to “equitable distribution.” This term means that each spouse will get what is fair based on factual circumstances, such as the length of the marriage and each spouse’s earning capacity (among other factors). Take a moment to consider the difficulties in dividing hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars worth of assets between two clashing spouses. Clearly, such complex divorce cases need a practiced family lawyer who understands such technical financial matters. With my experience comes a network of financial experts who can assist in valuing your business interests, real estate, and other high-value assets. These valuations will be crucial to determining distribution during the divorce.
Some complex divorce cases are decided by a judge. However, it is more common for these cases to be settled out of court. Parties have the option to negotiate their own settlements and decide what they believe is fair property division. Depending on your circumstances, out-of-court settlement may be beneficial. Who would you rather decide how your financial assets are split: a judge or you and your spouse? In addition to having more control over property division, an out-of-court settlement can decrease your legal costs and speed up the entire divorce process. I can help you determine if an out-of-court settlement is appropriate in your case. If such settlements do not resolve all major issues, you can rely on my trial skills to persuasively represent your interests in the courtroom.
Boynton Beach Complex Divorce Attorneys Taking New Cases
If you are considering divorce and are concerned about protecting your high-value assets, contact my firm today. I have practiced law for over 40 years, and have spent that time dedicated to helping my clients. My unique approach is to work with clients one-on-one while utilizing my extensive knowledge of the law to your advantage. We will assess your needs and goals, and I will strive to meet those throughout your case. If you want to discuss your complex divorce matter with a seasoned, reputable legal advocate, contact me today. Reach me at my office ((954) 229-1660) or even on my cell ((954) 295-9222) today to schedule your free initial consultation.